by David Harbord, 4 November 2016. A report written for the Colombian Comision de Regulacion de Energía y Gas (CREG). Posted byDavid Harbord October 5, 2017 0 Share: CREG Energy Market Panel: The Evolution of Electricity Market Regulation in Colombia&body=" title="Share by Email"> Related Articles “Market Definition in Oligopolistic and Vertically-Related Markets: Some Anomalies” “Designing Electricity Auctions: Uniform, Discriminatory and Vickrey” “Capacity Investment and Long-Run Efficiency in Market-Based Electricity Industries” “Call Externalities, Network Effects and Market Power: The Orange/T-Mobile Merger” On the Enforcement of Trade Embargoes by the Merchant Guilds CREG Energy Market Panel: The Evolution of Electricity Market Regulation in Colombia