By David Harbord and Steffen Hoernig. Revised version, 16 October 2012. ( Slide presentation ) Posted byWebmaster October 16, 2012 0 Share: “Welfare Analysis of Regulating Mobile Termination Rates in the UK with an Application to the Orange/T-Mobile Merger”&body=" title="Share by Email"> Related Articles “Capacity Investment and Competition in Decentralised Electricity Markets” Bargaining and Brexit: Negotiating New UK Trade Deals from Outside the EU “Efectos de la Reduccion de Tarifas de Terminacion Movil en el Bienestar en el Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones de Mexico” On the Enforcement of Trade Embargoes by the Merchant Guilds “Second Review of Firm Energy Auctions in Colombia” SIC’s competition policy conference in Cartagena